Ancient Root Taijiquan

Rediscover Balance and Vitality: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Well-being Through Chen Village Taijiquan

Live the ART


Ancient Root Taijiquan

Traditional Chen Village Taijiquan

Healthy Movement Rooted in You

Madison Wisconsin USA

Taiji Meditation

The Qigong inside our Taiji.
Deeper focus on fundamental internal work. Alignment of posture and breath to promote healthy outcomes.

Every client of GYM has a personalized program of training and nutrition.

Modern Fitness Equipment

We cooperate with leading fitness equipment suppliers to give you the superior results.


Taiji For HeALTH



I came here to acquire the shape of my body I had half a year ago. I was quite surprised with a range of services they offered me.Moreover, you can benefit from their group training.

Alisa Milano

Designer at Viper Ltd.

I have had the phenomenal pleasure of working out with Gym coaches as a client and friend throughout the course of the last year. Their magnetic personalities ensure that a friendship will inevitably develop throughout the training course.

Julia Smith

Manager at iStep Co.

I came here to acquire the shape of my body I had half a year ago. I was quite surprised with a range of services they offered me.Moreover, you can benefit from their group training.

Alisa Milano

Designer at Viper Ltd.